Hail to the Chief is not a story I know, but I know it’s a story. Ever since he came into office, Dick Cheney has been obsessed with increasing presidential power. There’s even a name for it – the "Unitary Executive Theory." Like many of Cheney’s ideas, it proposes to change the government in a fundamental way. He’s done everything he can to centralize power in the Executive – Signing Statements, Secrecy, outrunning and undercutting Oversight of any kind. I don’t know the why of it, but he’s been busy as a bee doing it. It’s like their dealing with the U.N., they don’t want anyone telling them what to do.
What this article makes clear is that Cheney has been on this kick for his entire career. And the article predicts that the way they’re going to deal with Congress is to ignore it. Dick Cheney is a very dangerous man, probably the most dangerous in our history. Things may get good and nasty here, because the only way to deal with his megalomania may be carry him out of the White House in hand-cuffs…
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