spin city…

Posted on Monday 23 January 2006

"Let me be as clear as I can be: President Bush believes if Al Qaeda is calling somebody in America, it is in our national security interest to know who they’re calling and why," Mr. Rove said. "Some important Democrats clearly disagree."

This is a false dichotomy, par excellence. I, myself, believe if Al Qaeda is calling somebody in America, it is in our national security interest to know who they’re calling and why, and here’s how you do it. You go to the F.I.S.A. court and say Mr. X is talking to Al Qaeda, and they’ll say, "listen." The reason we don’t trust skipping the F.I.S.A. is two-fold. Our Congress thinks it’s a good idea to have judicial overview. And I don’t want you listening in on me, or Harry Belefonte, or Harry Reid. We absolutely don’t trust [particularly] you to use good judgement. What Rove is saying has nothing to do with what some important Democrats are disagreeing with, and he knows it.

I want to say that again from the rooftop. The spin that we are opposing National Security by challenging the N.S.A. domestic surveillance without warrants is complete Bull Shit, and they know it!

Hurray! This point is getting picked up elsewhere.- here and here and here. They know what they’re saying is a lie…

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