
Archive for January, 2006

we’ll see…

I don’t know if there’s going to be a filabuster on Alito today or not. But whatever happens, you got to admire the energy the political bloggers put into trying. Does the heart good…

and another thing…

Another uplifting thing from today… Palace Revolt is an article in Newsweek that restores some faith in our system. It’s about the lawyers in the Justice Department who fought the good fight to uphold our system of justice when the issues like Torture, N.S.A. Unwarranted Domestic Surveillance, C.I.A, leaks, Presidential Power were being dealt with […]


One of the sad things to me has been the indifference shown to the Bush takeover of America, particularly the indifference of young people.  I’m from the 60s and early 70s when the ‘good fight’ was just part of our life – neighborhood politics, local politics, state politics, national politics. It has seemed like the […]

( life )

In America, maybe everywhere, we feel like we know our celebrities. Bob Woodruff is one we’re just getting to know, following a hard act – Peter Jennings. News of his severe injury in Iraq by a terrorist bomb is, perhaps, more personal than the 2238 U.S. soldiers, the other journalists, and the untold numbers of […]

a great line…

… what matters is Bush’s inability to either lead or heal. In fact, his greatest talent seems to be making things worse…

what is it about ‘no’ you don’t understand?

Forty years ago, when the world was young, the war was Viet Nam. Back then, our lives [we = guys] were determined by the local draft boards. I was in medical training and going off to fight in a bad war wasn’t in my plan. Like 100% of us in my Intern class, I applied […]

the burden of proof…

In a very fine editorial, the New York Times blasts President Bush for his "unwarranted" N.S.A. domestic surveillance program. They list the various arguments the Administration has mounted – Sept. 11 could have been prevented Only bad guys are spied on The spying is legal Just trust us The rules needed to be changed War […]

and speaking of the young turks…

What is The Young Turks? It’s a bit like talk radio with some of the bright-light young political bloggers. It’s so refreshing after so many years of the right wing talk shows, Fox news, and the lunatic talk shows. It’s right up there with the Daily Show…

unitary executive…

If Paul Wolfowitz’s ancient Defense Department White Paper being revived as the Bush Doctrine weren’t enough, and the contributions of the American Enterprise Institute and the Project for the New American Century hadn’t done enough damage, now we have something called the Unitary Executive from  from the Federalist Society apparently. It’s another slide-in by the […]