He’s back… Osama misunderstands us. We are opposed to the irrelevant war in Iraq and continuing to mess around with Afghanistan, but the reason, in part, is because we see it as a waste of time and energy that should be being put into blowing him off the face of the earth. Bush and Cheney […]
This morning’s Wapo opinion piece by David Broder, Gore’s Challenge, about Gore’s speech is a generally positive review, but there’s one part that will surely bring a lot of criticism: … and contents himself with citing the cases that cause many others concern. The first — and to my mind weakest — instance is the […]
Among the Rovian techniques, the ubiquitous "Clinton did it too" defense must be effective, because it’s always there. Lately, the word "hipocracy" is almost always included. The usual response is to begin to point out that Clinton didn’t do the same thing, or what he did didn’t have so many consequences, or that he didn’t […]
When I read back over the things I’ve written about this over the last 6 months, I see that I’ve gone over and over the same things: A.E.I., P.N.A.C., Bush’s graduation speech at West Point, the Downing Street Memos, the Niger Forgeries, Powell’s U.N. speech, the Plame Affair. It’s like I keep having to write […]
2002 Memo Doubted Uranium Sale Claim We would hope that as the evidence continues to mount, what we’ll hear in the Press is falsified intelligence instead of false intelligence. This is from the period when Vice President Cheney and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were making personal visits to the C.I.A. to try to evoke the […]
KOS writes, "Guys, this is significant," talking about this report, Leading Conservatives Call for Extensive Hearings on NSA Surveillance; Checks on Invasive Federal Powers Essential. If anything, that’s an understatement. This Administration is not Conservative in the tradition of the American Conservatives. It’s something else. They’ve borrowed the name, and coopted the votes, but they’re […]
I was reading Martin Luther King’s speech about Viet Nam on, of all places, Juan Cole’s blog. Juan Cole is a Middle East Scholar whose commentary is almost too informed to follow, but so far, the only source I’ve found that seems to understand what’s at stake there. He was applying King’s comments on the […]
Well, there are two suits filed about the wiretapping [1][2], [thanks to Karen at Peripetia] but it seems like Gore’s suggestion for a Special Prosecutor is more appropriate. The Attorney General would be the person to appoint such a person, but he was on Larry King Live last night defending the President! The national media […]
Want to do something besides worry about the fate of Western Civilization? Go to Fayrouz’s blog and send a little help to the widow of the translator, Alan Enwiya, who was killed when reporter Jill Carroll was kidnapped in Iraq. There’s a blogroll of Iraqi blogs there that makes for some fascinating reading. And here’s […]
Six months ago today, we got our first look at Matt Cooper’s article in Time Magazine about his Grand Jury testimony, naming Karl Rove as his source in the outing of Valerie Plame. While Bush and Rove are still in the White House, it’s been a rather fine six months for the cause of – […]