As long as I’m on the subject of A.E.I., until now, I thought the appointment of A.E.I.‘s John Bolton, an avowed U.N. critic, as U.N. Ambassador while Congress was recessed was W.’s biggest insult. But he may have topped it this last week – Top Bush Aide Admits Altering Article. Karl Zinsmeister, editor-in-chief of the American Enterprise Institute‘s magazine, was appointed as chief domestic adviser to President Bush. Zinsmeister’s constant message has been to criticize the Iraq reporting by the press and the reporters themselves:
In his article The War is Over, and We won [June 2005], he says [my italics]:
"What the establishment media covering Iraq have utterly failed to make clear today is this central reality: With the exception of periodic flare-ups in isolated corners, our struggle in Iraq as warfare is over….Contrary to the impression given by most newspaper headlines, the United States has won the day in Iraq…. the battle of Iraq is no longer one of war fighting—but of policing and politics."
What in heaven’s name is he talking about? Boy, is he going to be a big help. Another addition to Bush’s House of Mirrors..
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