on Iran…

Posted on Friday 2 June 2006

John Bolton is, and always has been, an Apocolyptic Crackpot, like his A.E.I. colleagues Laurie Mylroie and Michael Ledeen. His comments on Iran [below] are typical – uncompromising, caustic, irresponsible, bully-ish, "Big Stick" comments. His words say that the only thing he has in his bag of tricks is contentious confrontation – the kind of thing insecure people do when they’re so into proving that they’re tough guys that they’ve lost sight of what they’re trying to achieve. "Put up or shut up" is in the vicinity of "Make my day." His appointment runs out in six months!

However, the announcement of the Agreement from the talks in Vienna last night is the first hint of a level-headed decision we’ve heard from anyone in the Bush Administration in – well since forever. It sounds like an attempt at "diplomacy," a forgotten tool of "diplomats" over the last six years. If this is genuine, Dr. Rice is to be congratulated [I just knew if I waited long enough, I’d find something that might be positive to say about this Administration]. At issue. Is this a real attempt or a smoke screen for more neoconservative Bush Doctrine insanity?

I resent being placed in the position of suspecting the United States of America of duplicity in Foreign Relations, but after Iraq, it’s the only way to view our public statements.  

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