and Jon Stewart just skewered Karl Rove and Dick Cheney on the Daily Show, and Jay Leno just didn’t take Ann Coulter on. She had her line about "The funny thing about this is I’m calling liberals ‘Godless.’ Oh, they’re cool with that. Just don’t attack the Jersey Girls." She sees herself as "Dorothy," dropping her house on the Liberal something or another. Kind of boring actually. I guess I’m coming around to what others have been saying. She, and anyone she might appeal to, aren’t really much worth considering. There may be a lot of them, but they’re minds are fixed in whatever one calls the space she lives in…
coul·ter·geist (c
n. A ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder.

n. A ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder.
She gets attention by being annoying. Maybe she needed better parenting.