Cheney uses Mideast as campaign issue
Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday pointed to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah as fresh evidence of the ongoing battle against terrorism that underscores the need to keep President Bush Republican allies in control of Congress.
"This conflict is a long way from over," Cheney said at a fundraising appearance for a GOP congressional candidate. "It’s going to be a battle that will last for a very long time. It is absolutely essential that we stay the course."
…Cheney said that as Republicans make their case to voters in the midterm elections, "it’s vital that we keep issues of national security at the top of the agenda." He faulted Democrats in Congress who have pushed for a timetable for withdrawing Americans from Iraq, saying that would send the wrong message to terrorists.
"If anyone thinks the conflict is over or soon to be over, all they have to do is look at what’s happening in the Middle East today," he said.
My take on this is a little different than the one John Aravosis touts in his America Blog:
I swear, there is no carnage, no mayhem, no disaster that the Republicans won’t try to turn around to their advantage. They ignore the Middle East, war erupts, they do nothing about it, and now Cheney is out there saying that this shows everyone should vote Republican.
I think they’ve hooked onto War [with a capital W] to win votes, and Power. I think they’re not just hopping on to opportunize on Israel. I think they’re planning to make War to get votes. I’d bet even money they start floating War with Iran balloons soon. We need to be vigilant for another preIraq "Intelligence" escalation about Iran, or an underhanded "Iran-Contra" kind of operation against Iran.
These people are that crazy…
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