Bush was going on and on about "a moment of opportunity." That’s fine. It’s a good idea. Even lunatics have good ideas, say intelligent things. Then he went further and started to talk about Hezbollah’s sponsers – Syria and Iran. Again, if it were anyone else in the universe saying it, I’d think he was saying something that made sense. In fact, I’ll bet there’s something to what he’s saying. But the bottom line is, if Bush is talking about anything that has anything to do with Iran, my hackles go through the back of my shirt. Not that I’m so keen on Iran. Those people were really mad about our long time support of the Shah, and since they got rid of him, they’ve let their feelings about us be known at every possible turn. I can’t say that I even blame them, but still – enough is enough.
What sends me through the roof when Bush tags Iran onto something he says is that I hear that neoconservative bias, that monomania about Iraq and Iran singing in the background. The neoconservative "Bush Doctrine" was specifically about those two countries from the start – the "Axis of Evil" [Korea was an add-on]. Rather than do the sensible thing, contain and posture until there was a real break in the clouds and an opportunity to do something that was useful – a policy that held us in good stead with Russia and China, these gunslingers want to go in and kick some ass. Where that’s gotten us is less than nowhere. We can be Israel’s ally without having to adopt their foreign policy as if it is our own.
So, Bush’s "moment of opportunity" means an opening to push his and his pal’s monotonous pre-existing agenda of war with Iran – to provoke a war with Iran. They would say "promoting democracy" – ignoring the fact that Iran is already a democracy. This is a very poor foreign policy; it is being undertaken with deceit; and it is inconsistent with both American and World values. So, even if Mr. Bush is right, he’s wrong. He’s continuing to foist a dangerous and ineffective foreign policy off as being in response to things happening in the world, rather than telling the truth – that our Administration is actively provoking the world in order to justify their pre-emptive war with Iran. Have no doubt, Israel’s massive retaliation was planned in concert with Mr. George W. Bush. And though I’m not accusing him of planning 911, he sure took advantage of what happened in the same way – turning America into a country that I’m personally ashamed of.
And he’s about to do it again…
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