
Archive for July, 2006

Charlie Savage for Pulitzer!

Panel chides Bush on bypassing laws ABA group cites limits to power In a world where a lot of us have lost faith in the "Main Stream Media," one must note the exceptions – like Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post, or Murray Waas of the National Review.  But Charlie Savage of The Boston Globe […]

times, they are a changin’…

Well there are still 3 States that give President Bush a >50% approval rating. 44 States give him a >50% disapproval rating. And 3 States that are kind of neck and neck. A far cry from the results of the 2004 election:


As doggedly as eriposte of  the left coaster sticks to the Niger Forgery story, and Murray Waas leads the way with the Plame story and the N.S.A. spying, Glenn Greenwald of Unclaimed Territory has persisted in elucidating the neoconservative subtext of the Bush Administration’s antics. In his recent post, Neoconservatism and the White House — […]

not “Forgot,” Ignored…

In Iraq, Military Forgot Lessons of Vietnam Early Missteps by U.S. Left Troops Unprepared for Guerrilla Warfare Part I of an excellent [and scathing] chronology highlighting the two-pronged problem of Mr. Bush’s War in Iraq – a bad idea, that has been badly implemented. The article renders Mr. Cheney’s recent comments all the more absurd: […]

40 years ago…

40 years ago, it was the time of the Civil Rights Movement. Marching down the street, we were accompanied by Clergy from a number of Christian Denominations, and Rabbis, and Nuns. They were a visible cohort in most demonstrations. Not just the Black Clergy, who were usually up front. There were plenty of White Clergy […]

I recant…

I take back every bad thing I’ve ever said about lawyers. I apologize for laughing at lawyer jokes. If the A.B.A. can bring this off, I’m putting the Lawyer’s Benevolent Society at the top of my charity donations! Bar association task force urges Congress to push for judicial review of Bush signing statements Although the […]

War [with a capital W]…

Cheney uses Mideast as campaign issue Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday pointed to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah as fresh evidence of the ongoing battle against terrorism that underscores the need to keep President Bush Republican allies in control of Congress.   "This conflict is a long way from over," Cheney said at […]

worth a thousand words…

the Bolton person is coming up soon…

For clarity’s sake, we can summarize Mr. Bush’s policy in the Middle East: The way to deal with the Middle East is to crush their governments and turn them into something else, something more acceptible to American interests. His program for doing that involves four points: Preemption [unprovoked War], Unilateralism [don’t wait on the U.N.], […]

a key?

Huge news – Judge refuses to dismiss NSA lawsuit EFF’s Class-Action Lawsuit Against AT&T for Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program On another front but the same topic, a Federal Court has denied the President’s Power to evoke "state secrets" as a defense in a suit against A.T.& T. for collaborating with the N.S.A. in […]