I’m way outside of my skill-set here. There remains a low-level buzz [1][2][3] that Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is still at it – and that Cheney is his target. I have no way to evaluate whether it’s wishful thinking, or good sleuthing. It’s all based on the fact that there’s a lot of noise debunking Fitzgerald and his investigation since the Armitage data came out. Why bother to go after him, if he’s not up to something?
It’s so ridiculous to have this situation to deal with – a corrupt Administration trying to justify its own failure and perpetuate itself using the same tactics that caused that failure. We’re being asked to go down a path that has lead us further astray than we’ve ever been, and we’re being exhorted to keep going down it. Little wonder that we sit around hoping for a deus ex machina to save us.
It all hinges on the issue they’re talking about in their recent speeches – unilateral, preemptive military action. They say that it was required because Saddam Hussein was a Hitler, that waiting would have had dire consequences. As it turns out, the opposite is true. Not waiting and not working through the U.N. has proved to be a disaster. A lot of us knew that intuitively. We never believed that Iraq was a threat to the U.S., not even a threat to Israel. But right now, it’s more than the mistake, if that weren’t enough. It’s about their lying to get it to happen. They were so keen that they were right that they went around our governmental processes to do what they wanted. That’s almost worse than the war itself.
I hope the buzz is right. The integrity of our government is at stake. The deluded people who elected this government [and the rest of the world] needs to see that we won’t tolerate this kind of treason…
there are many medical plagues in this world, but the paranoia of this administration and of its zombie-like supporters cries out for treatment if not a cure. currently, these people certainly provide us a nearly full spectrum of the worst kinds of criminal and aberrant behavior. with all the evidence provided in the 5 1/2 years of its shameful existence, no sane person can wish for anything less than the total removal (and even prosecution) of these toxic hypocrites!
Hear! Hear!