october surprise…

Posted on Saturday 23 September 2006

Karl Rove Promises October Surprise is sort of the buzz of the airways. The two speculations for his October Surprise are:

  1. Osama Bin Laden captured or dead.
  2. A War with Iran.

Now there are unconfirmed reports that Bin Laden died recently from Typhoid. And there are hints we are already deploying to Iran. I hate to guess here, but I doubt Iran in October [fingers crossed]. I wouldn’t put their knowing of bin Laden’s death and releasing it on a timetable suiting their political needs. But I’m more suspicious, since Rove’s doing the talking, that his surprise will come in the form of something more in the dirty trick flavor. We’ve seen two so far. The "Path to 911" and the ambushing of Clinton on Fox News. We’ve also heard a Talking Point or two – Democrats want to negotiate with Terrorists [like Chamberlin with Hitler], and Iraq is the Dodge City of the War on Terror. Both are simply silly, and don’t seem to have worked. Now the Christians are coming out in force – Dobson, Falwell, Robertson.

I would expect a Rovian surprise would be either a Swiftboating slander of someone big or something that will bring the Religious Right out of the woodwork. Whatever Mr. Rove’s plans, the antedote is clear. Stick to the local Congressional races. Don’t let the national stage matter. America is voting for Representatives, Senators, not the Administration. It feels as if they are trying to pull us up into a Presidential election – Bush versus Clinton, or Hawk versus Dove. We need to stay with the Lamont versus Lieberman level no matter what Rove does. They are so grandiose in the White House that they think we give a shit about their antics. I for one give up on that venue for the moment.

Congress is the key…

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