
Archive for September, 2006

something much bigger…

RICHARD BEN-VENISTE, 9/11 COMMISSION MEMBER interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN … BLITZER: So you the asked the president in the Oval Office — and the vice president — why didn’t you go after the Taliban in those eight months before 9/11 after he was president. What did he say? BEN-VENISTE: Well, now that it […]

the law of unintended consequences…

Careful scientists involved in behavioral research are ever-vigilant for a particular kind of error. Are the results colored by the experimental conditions themselves? Is the aggression of Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee colonies a natural phenomena, telling us something about the nature of primates, or is it simply how primates act when they’re in the presence of […]

it’s been a long time coming…

People who know me know that I can’t sit in front of the T.V. and watch the news anymore. I read it on the Internet. Sitting in front of the T.V. is too upsetting to me, either because of what’s on the news, or more frequently because of what’s not on the news. I listen […]

one more time…

I want to say it again. Our Administration is actively campaigning against our own April National Intelligence Estimate.

Falwell and Dobson Traps…

To me, the Values Voters Conference in Washington actually has clarified something for me. Jerry Falwell made a wise crack about Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for President. “I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate. I hope she’s the candidate, because nothing will energize my constituency like Hillary Clinton. If Lucifer ran, he wouldn’t.” In a […]

the assault on habeas corpus

Known as the "Great Writ", the writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum is a legal proceeding in which an individual held in custody can challenge the propriety of that custody under the law. The prisoner, or some other person on his behalf (for example, where the prisoner is being held incommunicado), may petition the court […]

bleak, bleaker, or bleakest?

Battle Breaks Out in Media Over Bleak NIE Iraq Assessment is an article to read thoroughly. The only recently reported April National Intelligence Assessment apparently states in clear terms something we should all already know, our War in Iraq is not simply a bad idea, or a bad idea gone badly, it’s a very bad […]


Condi Rice is on 60 Minutes in the living room on the television. She talked about the 1963 church bombing in Birmingham where she was growing up that killed four little girls – girls she knew. She sees that event as Terrorism, and a root of her strong feelings about modern Terrorism. She sees it […]

the “american wrong”…

U.S. conservatives frustrated by Republicans At a "Values Voters Summit" sponsored by leading religious conservative groups, some activists said President George W. Bush and Republican leaders showed too much pragmatism and too little concern for issues like abortion, immigration and banning gay marriage. "There is no question people are frustrated with the Republican Party. The […]

Extra! Extra! War in Iraq increases Terrorism!

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks. The classified National Intelligence Estimate […]