just watch…

Posted on Friday 20 October 2006

I’m proud of Michael J. Fox for making this ad, He’s right, by the way. Stem Cell Research will provide a treatment, and perhaps cure, for Parkinson’s disease – and many others. It’s just one of the disasters of the theocratic bent in our national political scene.

There are others. The “faith based initiative” programs are, as David Kuo’s book Tempting Faithpoints out, a scam. They allow the Republicans to buy votes, support churches, but mainly are a mechanism to get around important social welfare programs that are “outsourced” to unregulated providers.

The attack on Homosexuals by attempting to redefine Homosexuality as a choice, the “Homosexual Lifestyle,” has done irreprable harm to young Homosexuals by demonizing something that is inbred. The science is clear. The damage well documented. The opposition to Gay Unions, likewise, blocks an avenue for Homosexual people to enter the world of committed relationships we call marriage.

But the one that people are afraid to talk about is abortion. The Christian Right is saying that women who get pregnant must give birth. After centuries of failure of moral teaching as “birth control”, they want human sexual intimacy to be limited to married couples who want to have children. They ignore the mortality rates of illegal abortion. The ignore the psychological fate of unwanted children. They ignore our problems of rising population and overcrowding. But most of all, they ignore the rights of women to make choices about the course of their lives.

There’s a very good reason that our Founding Fathers wanted Church and State separated. They’d seen centuries of religious war and persecution sweep through Europe and Asia. And we see it now in our own country and in the insanity of the Middle East where Jews and Moslems of multiple flavors can’t seem to get enough of killing each other.

So, thanks, Michael J. Fox, for showing us just a small piece of what religious bigotry and bullyism is doing to people in this country and the world!

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