they just won’t let up…

Posted on Friday 20 October 2006

Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

In a notice dated Wednesday, the Justice Department listed 196 pending habeas cases, some of which cover groups of detainees. The new Military Commissions Act (MCA), it said, provides that "no court, justice, or judge" can consider those petitions or other actions related to treatment or imprisonment filed by anyone designated as an enemy combatant, now or in the future.

Beyond those already imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay or elsewhere, the law applies to all non-U.S. citizens, including permanent U.S. residents. The new law already has been challenged as unconstitutional by lawyers representing the petitioners. The issue of detainee rights is likely to reach the Supreme Court for a third time…

It makes me cry to read this. I can’t think of any reason for prisoners of war to be treated in this manner, particularly with the wisdom of the Geneva Conventions that have evolved over the last 100+ years. I cannot understand why President Bush and his cohorts are so determined to push this ad nauseam. They never really even say why. They just attack opponents as weak. But in case you thought that the compromises in the passage of their bill changed anything, there it is in black and white. They got their Republican Congresss to pass a bill against the only right guaranteed in the body of the American Constitutionhabeus corpus. And they never even said why…

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