
Archive for November, 2006

our little war…

I was opposed to the Iraq War before it started and for every second it has been fought. That said, I’d like to say some things about how it’s been conducted. We were told that we were going to war with Iraq because they were building Atomic Bombs and Chemical and Biological weapons. That was […]

history repeats itself…

U.S. Considers Raising Troop Levels in Iraq Pentagon officials conducting a review of Iraq strategy are considering a substantial but temporary increase in American troop levels and the addition of several thousand more trainers to work with Iraqi forces, a senior Defense Department official said Monday. The idea, dubbed the “surge option” by some officials, […]

do I hear a clock ticking?

signing statements…

THE NEXT ACT Is a damaged Administration less likely to attack Iran, or more? by SEYMOUR M. HERSH A month before the November elections, Vice-President Dick Cheney was sitting in on a national-security discussion at the Executive Office Building. The talk took a political turn: what if the Democrats won both the Senate and the […]

and the beat goes on…

Operation Comeback TO: My Fellow Neoconservatives FROM: Joshua Muravchik RE: How to Save the Neocons We neoconservatives have been through a startling few years. Who could have imagined six years ago that wild stories about our influence over U.S. foreign policy would reach the far corners of the globe? The loose group of us who […]

memory lane…

Back in August of 2005, I began to look into the Iraq War in more depth than the evening news or the morning paper. It was around the time that she was going to jail as a 1st Amendment Martyr. I didn’t have to look very far to learn that she was anything but a […]

destabilized? that’s our M.O….

Kissinger Says Victory in Iraq Is Not Possible Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, who regularly advises President Bush on Iraq, said today that a full military victory was no longer possible there. He thus joined a growing number of leading conservatives openly challenging the administration’s conduct of the war and positive forecasts for […]

brilliant as he is…

A Tough Road Ahead for the President’s Closest Adviser Karl Rove, the top White House political strategist, is coming off the worst election defeat of his career to face a daunting task: saving the president’s agenda with a Congress not only controlled by Democrats, but also filled with Republican members resentful of the way he […]

too little too late Mr. Cakewalk

Embittered Insiders Turn Against Bush The weekend after the statue of Saddam Hussein fell, Kenneth Adelman and a couple of other promoters of the Iraq war gathered at Vice President Cheney’s residence to celebrate. The invasion had been the "cakewalk" Adelman predicted. Cheney and his guests raised their glasses, toasting President Bush and victory. "It […]

lame ducks and beyond…

I recall from junior high or high school teachers talking about "Lame Duck" politicians. Lame Duck session is when the United States Congress (or only one chamber thereof) meets following the November general elections (and before the inauguration of the next Congress) to consider various items of business. Some lawmakers who return for this session […]