The "Scooter" Libby Trial and Uranium from Africa
Part 3: Show Me Your Accord and I’ll Show You MineLet me step back and explain the significance of this. What I’m saying is that contrary to what you may have heard, the CIA actually had two documentary sources of fabricated Niger uranium information, as the CIA’s Department of Operations (DO) revealed in a terse footnote in the Robb-Silberman report:
- The well-known Niger dossier peddled by Rocco Martino
A separate documentary source that closely matched what was in the Niger dossierThe evidence I published in March/June 2006 indicates that the fake Iraq-Niger uranium "accord" (i.e., the "verbatim text") was the separate documentary source and that it was not part of the Martino dossier. Put simply, what this means is that one or more individuals within SISMI must have fabricated the "accord" (i.e., the "verbatim text" of the accord).Now, some people may think it is incredulous that an allegedly sophisticated intelligence agency could have participated in the creation of such bogus materials. However, as I remarked recently in a detailed post discussing the forgeries and the question of motive:
…the Niger forgeries hoax was not just about the creation of the forgeries. It was primarily about how the forgeries were intended to be used. Put another way, the quality of the original forgeries would be largely irrelevant to bad actors who intended to "mainstream" the contents in a manner that preserved "plausibility", while being able to cover their a** by attributing the "intel" to a documentary source that they would never have to reveal.
The picture that emerges is a campaign by some individuals within the Italian intelligence agency, SISMI, to systematically provide known-fraudulent information to the Bush administration to help them in their aggressive PR campaign against Iraq. This campaign rivals those of fraudsters linked to the Iraqi National Congress (INC) and is arguably more serious in nature considering how it helped the Bush White House build a nuclear case for war. It is therefore naturally puzzling and disappointing that the U.S. mainstream media and the U.S. Congress have shown far less seriousness and interest in investigating and revealing the role played by SISMI in this matter, in comparison to the focus on the INC.
And there’s an unanswered question in eriposte‘s revelations, "Why was there ‘a campaign by some individuals within the Italian intelligence agency, SISMI, to systematically provide known-fraudulent information to the Bush administration to help them in their aggressive PR campaign against Iraq‘?" Did they do it on their own [to get in good with trhe U.S.], or did someone in our government conspire with them to have it done?
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