
Archive for February, 2007


Cheney is an asshole irresponsible jerk…

White House, Democrats spar over British troop move House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized the Bush administration for insisting on more troops when there was broad-based opposition and other countries were drawing down their forces. "The announcement by the British government confirms the doubts in the minds of the American people about the President’s decision to […]

about waiting…

I really don’t like it, but I can see the merits. It’s a tiny piece, Libby’s indictment, but it’s the only piece that was showing for a very long time. Now, there are other pieces. But Libby is still the biggest piece that’s made it into a courtroom. For practical reasons, I want a conviction […]

waiting for…

I don’t even like waiting at McDonalds, much less for a jury to deliberate. So, instead of waiting for what those other people think, I’m calling it: IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Holding a Criminal Term Grand Jury Sworn in on October 31, 2003 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. […]

if a tree falls…

Jeralyn from TalkLeft expects Libby to be acquitted. She blames Patrick Fitzgerald for not charging him with enough, and sort of buys the memory defense, or thinks the jury will buy it. She’s a lawyer. Maybe she knows what she’s talking about.But I don’t [know what she’s talking about]. Her logic is hard to follow, […]

an obvious truth…

The Iraq Effect By Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank Indeed, though what we will call "The Iraq Effect" is a crucial matter for U.S. national security, we have found no statistical documentation of its existence and gravity, at least in the public domain. In this report, we have undertaken what we believe to be the […]

nightly news…

a story about a story…

In his closing argument today, Patrick Fitzgerald addressed a point that I’d wondered about. I hope his explanation wasn’t lost on the jury. I didn’t get it the first time through myself. If you listen to Libby’s story as he told it, it’s absolutely absurd. The defense actually alluded to that in their presentation, claiming […]

close encounters…

of the first kind… In the doldrums of a glum mood about the State of the Union following the 2004 re-election of President Bush, I got interested in the jailing of Judith Miller and that lead me to a lot of things I didn’t know, reading Peter Bergen and Jack Shafer – and that lead […]

Libby Trial – closing arguments Fitz on Fire…

Well, it’s still going on [and on and on]. I’m too biased to evaluate any of this. Ted Wells is on something of a rant. There is one interesting thing. In his opening statement, Wells advertised that he was going to show that the whole Libby Indictment was to throw innocent Scooter Libby under the […]