Why Victoria Toensing was called to this hearing is unclear to me. She was involved in the drafting of the original legislation for the law that covers such leaks in the 80’s. But other than that, she’s something of a loudmouth Republican Operative. On the eve of the Libby Trial, she wrote a Washington Post Oped saying that Plame was "not" a covert agent. She said it again today, over and over. Her argument was that in the original bill, covert meant overseas and expired after five years. The Director of the C.I.A. and Ms. Wilson both certified that she was covert. She testified that she had traveled overseas on secret missions in her current assignment. Why was Toesing called? What was her expertise? How did she know anything about Plame’s covert status? How does she know whether Plame had been overseas? Why not have a random street person testifying? Having her there was a waste of time and a diversion…
She was called, according to Waxman’closing remarks because the minority party insisted that they call her as a expert witness.
And then only 2 of 17 of the minority members showed up.