I personally spent a year trying to construct this chart – reading everything anyone wrote on the subject, crosschecking various timelines, making charts and diagrams. And now there it is. Mine were much prettier; I had dates; I had graphics. I had everything it takes except information.
So, now we have it it seems we should linger over it for a while. Maybe I should redraw it:
Why redraw it? I don’t accept that we know who told either Rove or Cheney. I see that as two unknowns. I certainly do not accept that there are no acknowledged connections or conversations among Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney, George Bush, and Karl Rove. Nor do I accept the conspicuous absence of Condoleeza Rice and her then Assistant, Stephen Hadley. I also wonder about Donald Rumsfeld. The White House isn’t that large and this was a very big deal. Libby admitted to two conversations about Valerie Plame Wilson, one of which didn’t occur. I count nine. That’s why he was found guilty. I see Ari Fleischer’s leaks as part of alibi production, setting up the reporters to feel that everyone knew it and preparing Libby and Rove’s original alibi that they heard it from reporters. There was nothing in the testimony that explains when Fleischer decided [or was told] to do this between July 7th when he was told and July 12th when he leaked.
Ari Fleischer:
- Why did you tell the reporters?
- Were you asked/told to do this?
- By whom?
Karl Rove:
- Who told you Valerie Plame’s identity?
- Who did you tell or talk to about it?
Dick Cheney:
- Who told you Valerie Plame’s identity?
- Who did you tell or talk to about it?
- Oh yeah – why did you lie to the American people and involve us in a war under false pretenses?
George Bush:
- Who told you Valerie Plame’s identity?
- Who did you tell or talk to about it?
- You said you would fire anyone involved. There were four leakers. Three are out of government. Why is Karl Rove still there?
- Do you feel that you owe Valerie Plame Wilson an apology?
- Oh yeah – why did you lie to the American people and involve us in a war under false pretenses?
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