hear, hear…

Posted on Friday 16 March 2007

Arrogance has been the most consistent hallmark of George W. Bush’s presidency. His administration’s simple philosophy of government has been consistent: We can do any damn thing we want.

We can invade Iraq. We can blow off the Geneva Conventions. We can listen to your private phone calls, Mr. and Ms. America, and we can read your private e-mails, too. We can arrest anybody we want and hold them as long as we want, and we don’t even have to tell them why, much less file formal charges or hold a trial. We can even defy the laws of science — or at least ignore the ones that annoy us, such as that whole "greenhouse effect" thing. We can use the troops for photo ops when they come back from war grievously wounded and then basically forget about them.

And we don’t have to explain ourselves, either. The nerve of anyone to even ask us. Don’t you people understand that asking impertinent questions of the White House is exactly what Osama bin Laden wants you to do?
Sometimes, one reads things that require no comment at all…
    Abby's mom
    March 17, 2007 | 8:12 AM

    Who wrote this?

    Abby's mom
    March 17, 2007 | 8:16 AM

    Nevermind. I googled it. Eugene Robinson for the Detroit News

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