is that a fat lady I hear singing?

Posted on Monday 19 March 2007

I feel sorry for Gonzales, and maybe Harriet Miers too. They’re the kind of people that Bush surrounded himself with. People he’s used – picked for loyalty or gratitude rather than for talent or vision. I don’t feel that for Bolton, or Rumsfeld, or Libby. Powell – I just feel disappointment – big disappointment. I think I’m disappointed in Rice too. She seems like a smart lady. But in some ways, she’s been the biggest outright liar of all – and with her, it shows.

So it’s down to Rice, Rove, Bush, and Cheney. The Libby Trial all but destroyed Cheney. He may beat the rap, and continue to snarl. Sure, he remains a mighty dangerous piece of the equation so long as he’s anywhere near power. But he’ll never really command the respect of anyone, not even from his supporters. His dirty linen shows too much, and there’s plenty more where that came from if he tries to stay on the front burner.

I hope whether Gonzales resigns, gets fired, or stays impotently that the Senate won’t drop the inquiry into the firing of the lawyers. Rove’s in waist deep and they ought to go after him – not just because we want them to, but because this kind of partisan manipulation of the judiciary is not acceptible. 

But I still hold out for impeachment of both Bush and Cheney. The pre-war manipulation of intelligence is a "high crime" by any definition. Whether they have the votes or not, I think the Congress owes it to us to investigate every piece of it. If the Republican Congressmen choose not to see the truth, I see that as their perogative. But we need the facts on the table in front of us. The American people chose Mr. Bush, but we didn’t know what we were choosing. We need to see it out in front of us in black and white.

In the history books, these might well be known as the "shadow years," but I sure hope the chapter ends with the lights coming on and shining brightly. It’s just too huge to sweep under the rug. Too many dead, too much thrown away…

    March 19, 2007 | 10:40 PM

    I have a friend whose brother in law was a new professor at the college that Rice was provost. There was a rule at the college that you had to live near the campus. He was gay and he couldn’t find anything because of his being gay. He went to her and asked for a waive to go a little further from campus and she wouldn’t budge. Needless to say he doesn’t have a good opinion of her. As far as impeachment for Bush and Cheney, I had a loud disagreement with my Rep. Rush Holt about it about 2 years ago. He is a terrific congressman but he was adamently opposed to impeachment. They bring up the fact that the Republicans had a lot of resentment towards them when they impeached Clinton. They seem to forget that the country was happy aand prosperous. The Watergate hearing and the Nixon matter was totaly different. Nixon wasn’t popular and the country had been to war and we had a lot of scarring. The Democrats elected Carter. I say it’s apple and oranges. They lied us into war and our children are paying with their lives.

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