Mar 21, 2007 9:55 AM EST
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said in Nashville that the personal lives of White House hopefuls shouldn’t become an issue in the 2008 campaign.
Earlier this month Gingrich said he was seeking forgiveness for his own extramarital affair committed while he pursued President Clinton’s impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Since the announcement, Gingrich said he’s received a positive response from colleagues and others.
He’s considering a race for the presidency. Gingrich was in Nashville Tuesday night to speak at Vanderbilt University.
Oh look. It’s America’s Most Dangerous Man claiming that the candidates private lives shouldn’t be an issue in the 2008 campaign. He was busy impeaching Clinton for lying about his [Clinton’s] private life while he [Newt] was lying about his [Newt’s] private life, but now he thinks that the private lives of candidates shouldn’t be an issue in the next campaign. But never count America’s Most Dangerous Man out of the running. He’s a great orator and a slick liar. Always know where Newt is. He’s the kind that can jump out of the shadows and sting you to death before you even see him…
AMDM was on TV blaming the VA Tech shootings on liberalist this weekend.