angels with dirty faces…

Posted on Saturday 24 March 2007

I’m not exactly sure what to say about the revelation that Gonzales lied outright about the November 27th meeting, or that it explains the 18 day email gap. Are they so used to no oversight that they think they can get away with anything? But there’s more than that at stake here. They actually answer questions by starting with the conclusion they want, and then fitting the facts that get them there later. Gonzales isn’t just padding his story, telling it in a way that casts him in the best light – he’s lying on purpose. It’s a whopper, as they say. Scooter lied outright. Cheney and Bush lied outright in the lead up to the war.

This is beyond politics and skewed truth, this is outright conscious lying, skillfully planned to cherry pick through things until some story line can be developed that can’t be prosecuted, but is, in its essence, a lie. It’s lying as policy. It takes the fun out of sleuthing when they’re this flagrant. Alberto has fallen into it head first. May his colleagues follow shortly. That’s all I can think of to say…

    March 24, 2007 | 2:00 PM

    Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Gonzales lie to us almost everytime they talk. I always notice how Bush accuses others of putting politics into things when he does it all the time. Supposedly there are many career workers in the justice department who are fed up and talking to the Congressmen. I hope so because there is a lot of corruption in this White House. . I think this firing of the US Attorneys has opened pandoras box. I wonder if they know how serious it really is. There are signs that just about everything they have touched has been damaged in some way. Remember when they said that they were going bring dignity and honor into the office of the President. They lied again.

    March 24, 2007 | 2:34 PM

    and again, and again

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