
Posted on Friday 6 April 2007

A political Blog is hardly the place for an exposition on the Tibetan Wheel of Life. But there is something about it that is pertinent to the modern American dilemma. In ancient times, the religion of Tibet had to do with Monsters from the Dead – was built on fear. A Buddhist Monk travelling through Tibet did a remarkable thing. He convinced the ruler that these Monsters were nothing more than their own aggression – and he taught them the Buddhist solution to such a thing. So, the Monster in the background is their aggression personified [external projection of internal aggression], their old god Yama. In the center of the wheel are the root delusions of people that cause the problems [internal aggression] – hate [snake], ignorance [rooster], and greed [pig]. The remaining circles represent the Buddhist way to create a life that transcends these three delusions.

So, why is it here? I was thinking about the triumverate of our current Administration and what’s wrong – and I recalled this central wheel: ignorance [Bush], greed [Cheney], and hate[Rove]. Or is it ignorance [Bush], greed [Rove], and hate [Cheney]? No matter. You get my point. They’re fighting made up Monsters – Liberals, Arabs, Democrats, Scientists. They’re pandering and living by fear. And we all know that what they’re all three really fighting is their own personal demons, and they’re using our country to do it with.

I wonder if there’s a wise old Monk available for a Washington visit?

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