hunches trump facts…

Posted on Saturday 7 April 2007

I almost get tired of raling about our government, but they just won’t stop. They invaded Iraq on what was, at best, a bad hunch. Last night, we watched re-runs of Valerie Plame’s testimony on CSPAN2. She was clearly working like hell at the C.I.A. trying to confirm the Administration’s obsession with Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s [finding nothing]. But Bush and Cheney were sure, so off we went to war based on their hunch. Now, we are being presented with clear evidence of Global warming and man’s part in it, but they continue to not only debunk it, but actually work to undermine the evidence.

Rule by opinion wouldn’t be so bad if we had leaders who had decent opinions based of solid information. Rule by opinion is a disaster when the leaders only have ideologically driven opinions, paranoid hunches, and ignore facts – a really big disaster… 

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