Mr. Bush said the bill was unacceptable because it set “a rigid and artificial deadline” for American forces to withdraw from Iraq, in that it demands that they begin leaving by Oct. 1.
“It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing,” Mr. Bush said at the White House, where he vetoed the bill after the signatures of Democratic legislative leaders were barely dry.
The president said the bill would demoralize the Iraqis and send them and the world a terrible message: “America will not keep its commitments.”
The "bill will demoralize the Iraqis." Unbelievable that he even says things like that. Can anyone imagine the Iraqis being any more demoralized than they are right now? Is it possible that any of the fabled Iraqis who were going to see us as liberators still remain hidden at the bottom of some well somewhere in Iraq? What can he be talking about?
And as for sending the message, “America will not keep its commitments.” Who on this Planet would think something like that? They might think, "Well, they finally saw that they’d won the war but lost the occupation," or something like, "Now they’re finally gone, I wonder what will happen?" But they damn sure aren’t going to say we don’t keep our committments. The best we’re going to get is, "Boy, they really screwed up the Middle East."
Bush says this Pleasantville stuff all the time – things that are so divorced from reality as to be laughable. And we just listen. "After all, he’s not very smart." The world is thinking lots of bad things about America for sure. One of them is, "President Bush sure doesn’t pay much attention to his people." Another might be, "Pious President prattles platitudes."
“Pious President prattles platitudes” Excellent line. Did you think that up?
Perhaps someone should send him a pop-up book that spells it all out for him. Including the one Iraqi down in that well popping up saying, “Please send your troops home now!!”