Kent State: May 4th, 1970

Posted on Friday 4 May 2007

    May 5, 2007 | 12:38 PM

    I just wrote Cindy Sheehan an email to thank her for all she is doing to try to stop this terrible war. I realized that her selfless work is to save sons and daughters from dying like her son, and what does she get for her tireless work, ridicule and mocking by the likes of O’Reilly and Lumbaugh. I have two sons who have just become Fathers, something her son will never have the opportunity to be. We have to stop this war now. Watching the Republican debate the other night made me realize that people still don’t get the urgency to end this blight on our troops and the Iraqi people. The debate showed the panderying to the Right wing of the Republican party. How pathetic! What do we have to fear according to the Right ? The gays and woman who want to protect their right to chose what to do with their bodies. I guess we’re supposed to be shaking with fear. How about getting Bin Laden.

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