We were driving down through the mountains today, coming back from visiting some friends in North Carolina. I can’t go too long without bringing up the Bush Administration and I was prattling away. My wife said, "You know. Great civilizations don’t last very long throughout history." I’ve had that thought too. But it’s only been in recent years. Prior to this Administration, it never occurred to me that the United States of America as I know it was a time-limited civilization. I guess I thought we were here for the count, waiting for the under-developed nations to catch up. Truth is, I never even thought about it before. But lately, I’ve been wondering if we can survive the assault of the Bush Administration. And I’m not sure we can. It surprised me to hear my wife thinking the same thing. It makes me sad mad as hell that these people have us thinking this way.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. It took an awful President and a delusional, evil Vice President doing some terrible stuff to come to this point. I don’t think many people thought that this Administration would do so much damage. People talked about the constitution and our checks and balance system of gov’t. They were wrong.