Rice: ‘Iraqis Need To Know That We Are Not Looking To Leave Iraq’ In an interview last night on the Charlie Rose Show, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointedly said, “[O]ur friends in the [Middle East] need to know and the Iraqis need to know that we are not looking to leave Iraq.” “Ever?” Rose […]
Senate Committee Schedules Hearing with Schlozman The Senate Judiciary Committee has invited Bradley Schlozman to testify before the committee in a hearing next Tuesday, May 15. As laid out in a letter by Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT) and ranking member Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) yesterday, the committee wants to question Schlozman about his efforts to […]
I don’t guess I have anything against other countries creating a category of special people, royalty, people who stand above others for one reason or another. But we decided a long time ago that we weren’t going to do that here in America. We said that "all men are created equal." It would have been […]
Congress considers broadening Justice Department inquiry … Clevenger and the other lawyer recounted Schlozman’s odd handling of their job applications in the spring of 2005. Clevenger said his resume stated that he was a member of the conservative Federalist Society and the Texas chapter of the Republican National Lawyers Association. The other applicant’s resume cited […]
Missouri attorney a focus in firings Senate bypassed in appointment of Schlozman By Charlie Savage, Boston Globe Staff Todd Graves brought just four misdemeanor voter fraud indictments during his five years as the US attorney for western Missouri — even though some of his fellow Republicans in the closely divided state wanted stricter oversight of […]
It’s been an odd Spring in North Georgia. For one thing, we’re in a drought. People plant this time of year, and so "we need some rain" pops up in every conversation. Then there was a "blackberry winter." Spring came and was beautiful [and the pollen counts soared], but then there was a bad cold […]
Throughout February, the people at the DOJ were apparently optimistic that they would weather the growing outrage at the firing of the U.S. Attorneys. Attorney General Gonzales and his Deputy Attorney General, Paul McNulty, had both testified, assuring the Senate Judicial Committee that the firings were routine personel issues. Many of the emails were about […]
The March 5th meeting is now just about everywhere – even the Washington Post by Dan Froomkin [read it all – a great summary]: Karl Rove’s Coaching Session Back on March 5, several top Justice Department officials were summoned for an emergency meeting at the White House. On the agenda: Going over "what we are […]