
Archive for May, 2007

tangling the web…

Well, I guess that meeting I was talking about yesterday [the meeting…] on March 5th was as significant as it looked to me. Yesterday, both McClatchy and Newsweek reported on it, citing information leaked by a Demopcratic Congressional Aid and a Justice Official, about Paul McNulty’s closed hearing testimony. From McClatchy: According to a congressional […]

may I rant?

House passes bill to add attacks on gays to hate crime law White House threatens veto WASHINGTON – The House voted Thursday to expand federal hate crime categories to include violent attacks against gays and people targeted because of gender, acting just hours after the White House threatened a veto. The legislation, passed 237-180, also […]

the meeting…

And so they came to March 2006. Things were spinning out of hand. William Moschella was being called to testify in a Senate Committee. Gonzales had already been. The Press was buzzing like a hive of bees. There was a newly formed Senate Judiciary Committee: "Preserving Prosecutorial Independence: Is the Department of Justice Politicizing the […]

LORRI’s view of Jupiter’s ‘little red spot’…

doing something wrong, badly…

Hoon admits fatal errors in planning for postwar Iraq A catalogue of errors over planning for Iraq after the invasion, and an inability to influence key figures in the US administration, led to anarchy in Iraq from which the country has not recovered, the British defence secretary during the invasion admits today. In an exclusive […]


DoJ Official to Cummins: Circumventing Senate Was "White House Plan Cummins writes of a conversation he had with Michael Elston, the chief of staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, in late January, the day after Alberto Gonzales had testified to the Senate. Gonzales had said, among other things, that the Justice Department would seek […]

it’s okay joan, you can sing here anytime…

Joan Baez Unwelcome At Concert For TroopsSinger Was to Perform With Mellencamp at Walter Reed    

the war is lost…

Harry Reid has taken it on the chin for speaking a simple truth – the war is lost. I expect people like David Broder will dog him for saying it for the rest of his days, but that doesn’t change the eloquence of his words. The war is unjust would have been better with me. […]

thank you, sir…

General Eaton’s Letter to President Bush on Veto [via Kangro X, DailyKOS] President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, Today, in your veto message regarding the bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you listen to your commanders […]


Confirmation hearings for his successor could spawn criminal investigations of the White House. By Elizabeth Holtzman, a former Democratic congresswoman from New York… NO MATTER how many members of Congress lose confidence in Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales, President Bush is unlikely to let him go. If Gonzales resigns, the vacancy must be filled by […]