I hadn’t consciously connected these two stories [right…, Rice Insists Cheney Supports Diplomacy for Iran and heaven help us…, Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush’s Choices on Iran Conflict], but Josh Marshall did:
About a week ago, Steve Clemons raised eyebrows throughout the political world with a report on the "race currently underway between different flanks of the administration to determine the future course of US-Iran policy." As Clemons described it, Cheney’s team is actively circumventing the president’s team in order to instigate a U.S. conflict with Iran. Clemons’ report was bolstered by comments from the IAEA’s Mohamed ElBaradei, who told BBC Radio this week that a war with Iran is a serious possibility because of "new crazies who say ‘let’s go and bomb Iran.’" He didn’t identify the "crazies," but warned of those who "have extreme views and say the only solution is to impose your will by force." Like people in, say, the Vice President’s office?
Yesterday, Condi Rice insisted that the entire Bush gang is on the same page…
…but Rice’s deputies apparently aren’t convinced.
Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich are currently competing for the first annual 1boringoldman Most Dangerous Person on the Planet award. As afraid as I am of Newt, Cheney is in the lead…
Cheney is the most dangerous man as far as I’m concerned. What makes someone so evil? I think about all the stuff going on in the Bush Administration and I feel like I’m dreaming. It can’t be real because of all the corruption and it almost seems I’m in the movie ” the Wizard of Oz” and I’m going to wake up and it’s just a make believe movie. Our country couldn’t possibly have such a mean spirited VP and a spoiled and lazy brat for a P and all the cabinet members couldn’t possibly be former lobbyist who worked for big oil and industry with total disregard for workers etc. and we can’t possible promote torture and arrest people and take away their rights, not in America. I can’t figure out how they have stayed in office for as long as they have. There has to be a really big hole in our three branches of gov’t to permit this malfeasance.
Do you remember Cheney’s White House Iraq Group known as the whig to find intelligence evidence to go to war with Iraq? Well, Cheney has another group called the Afghan. Interagency Operating Group that meets in Cheney’s offices in the WH. Think Progress has more on this.
Cheney is by far the most dangerous. I’m not underestimating Newt’s ability, but I have to say he’s hurt his cause enough to lack the inside pull. Cheney has that. He’s sat back and been the puppetmaster for too long to let the Dem’s go cutting the strings w/o a fight. He’s dangerous indeed.
This is like a bad John Grisham fake. It’s so unbelievable, but it’s all real. Gah… When are “we the people” going to wake up and be angry?