
Posted on Monday 11 June 2007

Bush’s full comment:

QUESTION: Mr. President, I want to take you back to domestic issues again. You say the no-confidence vote [pending in the Senate today] has no bearing as to whether Alberto Gonzales remains as Attorney General. How can he continue to be effective? And it seems like you’re not listening to Congress when it comes to Gonzales, but you are listening to Congress when it comes to Peter Pace.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, it’s an interesting comment about Congress, isn’t it, that, on the one hand, they say that a good general shouldn’t be reconfirmed, and on the other hand, they say that my Attorney General shouldn’t stay. And I find it interesting. I guess it reflects the political atmosphere of Washington. And they can try to have their votes of no confidence, but it’s not going to determine — make the determination who serves in my government….

And as to how Gonzales — first of all, this process has been drug out a long time, which says to me it’s political. There’s no wrongdoing. You know, he — they haven’t said, here’s — you’ve done something wrong, Attorney General Gonzales. And therefore, I ascribe this lengthy series of news stories and hearings as political. And I’ll make the determination if I think he’s effective, or not, not those who are using an opportunity to make a political statement on a meaningless resolution.
This plus the failed vote in the Senate are hard to swallow in the same day. I will not rant. Sometimes, it’s better to do the Zen thing:
        sitting quietly,
          doing nothing.
            spring comes,
              and the grass grows by itself… 
    June 11, 2007 | 9:54 PM

    The concept of “for the people, by the people” is lost. Congress failed us yet again, today. Yeah, SNAFU.

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