
Posted on Tuesday 12 June 2007

This, I am convinced, is how future generations will remember George W. Bush: as the president who abandoned our traditional concepts of justice and human rights, choosing instead a program of state-sponsored kidnapping, arbitrary detention and abusive interrogation techniques such as "waterboarding."

We will remember him for the Iraq war, of course. But I hope and believe we will give at least as much weight to his erosion of our nation’s fundamental values and basic character.

We will remember him as the president who established a prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complete with kangaroo-court military tribunals in which detainees were not allowed to see the alleged evidence against them. We will remember that long after it was clear that Guantanamo was doing serious harm to our nation’s reputation in the world — on Sunday, Bush’s former secretary of state, Colin Powell, called for the place to be shut down "this afternoon" — Bush stubbornly kept it open.

We will remember Dick Cheney not for accidentally shooting a fellow hunter but for apparently being the loudest and most strident voice inside the administration against honoring the concepts of due process and habeas corpus that define justice in civilized societies. We will remember the negligible regard he holds for the Geneva Conventions.

We will remember Alberto Gonzales not for his hapless stewardship of the Justice Department or the firings of those U.S. attorneys– well, actually, we will remember him for those things — but we’ll also remember that when he was White House counsel he dutifully provided legalistic justification for subjecting prisoners to treatment that international agreements clearly define as torture.

We will remember this whole misguided administration for deciding to wage the fight against terrorism in a manner that not only mocks our nation’s values but also draws new recruits to the anti-American cause. We will remember this White House for unwittingly helping the terrorist cause perpetuate itself.
Nineteen months from now, a new president will begin trying to repair some of the damage this administration leaves behind. Bushie, meanwhile, will be back on the ranch, spending his days clearing brush and perhaps daydreaming of his Albanian glory.
What I’ll remember is the months after the 2004 election when I realized that it was all a premeditated lie – that our forray into Iraq was not based on intelligence – not even based on faulty intelligence. Denial is a strange mental mechanism. In my case, it was bolstered by a naivite’ that I didn’t know I even had. I didn’t like Bush from the start. Independent of my basic political bent, he just didn’t seem like a President. He seemed more like an errant son of a President. And when he started talking about going to war with Iraq, I couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t until after he was re-elected that I really woke up and got myself educated. My naivite’ was that I didn’t even consider the possibility that our government was being run by a Global American Dominion agenda, strung together by paranoid lunatics. I’d relegated that possibility to summer beach novels.

I’ll remember Bush’s smirks and Cheney’s sneers. I’ll remember the religious charlatans who took a religion based on love and turned it into hatred. I’ll remember the constant stream of sarcastic Talking Points that hit the streets like a hail storm, the whine of Rush Limbaugh from radios, the "dirty tricks," shuddering at the backlash of home schooling and gated communities. What I’ll remember from yesterday is Trent Lott’s dismissive speech and thirty-eight Senators voting like sheep instead of  thoughtfull, elected Legislators. But mostly, I’ll remember that I lived in a time when a cancer that started in the anti-communist, right wing witch-hunts and the racial hatred of my childhood grew to take over Washington, and the integrity that I naively assumed would prevail in our government turned out to be a fragile illusion.

I hope I’ll get to remember awakening from this nightmare…

    June 12, 2007 | 7:21 AM

    Bush has Clinton to thank for all that adulation from Albania. I’m sick of all the nonsense going on in this country because of the Bush/ Cheney/ Rove gov’t. I don’t think the Democrats can stand up to these slimey bullies/liars.

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