nagging questions…

Posted on Friday 15 June 2007

I actually believe that this Administration has been planning for this situation from the get-go. They have all lived through Nixon being taken down, and the Iran-Contra Affair. They know the mistakes previous Administrations have made. I don’t think it’s slightly paranoid to think that the hidden email accounts like were set up to stay behind the radar and plans for purging the system have been part of using it in the first place. I don’t think it’s being a conspiracy theorist to suggest that their obsession with secrecy, their careful penchant for loopholes like "signing statements," their grasping control of the DoJ, have all been, in part, attempts to avoid Nixon’s and Reagan’s vulnerabilities. As out front as they have been with their power grabbing, they’ve put up firewalls on purpose for a reason, and I think this is it – planning for a day when they would be under a microscope. And they’ve been on the other side – going after Clinton with a vengence – Whitewater, Monica, Paula, etc. So they are well fortified for what’s happening now…

But what I still don’t understand is why they went ahead with the Attorney firings after they lost the mid-terms. No matter how one cuts the cake, it was a mistake. Even if they were desparate to prepare for the 2008 elections, they’ve exposed their own voter fraud scheme all by themselves. It was only known by the esoteric bloggers before January. Now it’s in the public domain big time. They were due a mistake, but it’s hard to imagine they made one this big.

leg [legal] = Harriet Miers
political = Sara Taylor
communications = Dan Bartlett 

"We’re a go for the US Atty plan. WH leg, political, and communications have signed off and acknowledged that we have to be committed once the pressure comes." Looks to me like there aren’t many of "we" left. All of the people who "signed off" on the firings in the White House are out of government. Everyone directly involved at the Department of Justice is out of government. Only the people behind firewalls – Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove remain. Did they just get dumb all of a sudden or is there something we don’t yet know?

The other possibility is that "reckless" means "hasn’t had a wreck yet, and doesn’t know how it feels."

    June 15, 2007 | 7:22 AM

    They never stop. As soon as an election is finished, they are planning for the next one. The House of Rep. is of course every 2 years, so they are always campaigning. I think that they needed to try to have the political cronies in position to fight so-called voter fraud in time for 2008. They really thought that they had no other choice. It was all or nothing. There is no winning for them unless they cheat. There master plan must be huge. I assume that the Bush team has been having secret meetings( power point) all over the country, similar to the one that Lurita Doan had for her people accross the country.

    June 15, 2007 | 6:52 PM

    I think that’s right, Joy. The good news is how quickly it’s coming to light now. I think the huge-ness of their plan is turning into the reason it’s being exposed. They couldn’t possibly hide it all once the dam got a crack in it. fingers crossed!

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