… Cheney has changed history more than once, earning his reputation as the nation’s most powerful vice president. His impact has been on public display in the arenas of foreign policy and homeland security, and in a long-running battle to broaden presidential authority. But he has also been the unseen hand behind some of the president’s major domestic initiatives.
Scores of interviews with advisers to the president and vice president, as well as with other senior officials throughout the government, offer a backstage view of how the Bush White House operates. The president is "the decider," as Bush puts it, but the vice president often serves up his menu of choices.
Cheney led a group that winnowed the president’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees. Cheney resolved a crisis in the space program after the Columbia shuttle disaster. Cheney fashioned a controversial truce between the legislative and executive branches — and averted resignations at the top of the Justice Department and the FBI — over the right of law enforcement authorities to investigate political corruption in Congress.
And it was Cheney who served as the guardian of conservative orthodoxy on budget and tax matters. He shaped and pushed through Bush’s tax cuts, blunting the influence of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, a longtime friend, and of Cabinet rivals he had played a principal role in selecting. He managed to overcome the president’s "compassionate conservative" resistance to multiple breaks for the wealthy. He even orchestrated a decision to let a GOP senator switch parties — giving control of the chamber to Democrats — rather than meet the senator’s demand for billions of dollars in new spending.

When Edward P. Lazear, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, broached the idea of limiting the popular mortgage tax deduction, he said he quickly dropped it after Cheney told him it would never fly with Congress. "He’s a big timesaver for us in that he takes off the table a lot of things he knows aren’t going to go anywhere," Lazear said.
Lazear, who is otherwise known as a fierce advocate for his views, said that he may argue a point with Cheney "for 10 minutes or so" but that in the end he is always convinced. "I can’t think of a time when I have thought I was right and the vice president was wrong."
As far as Greenspan knew, the vice president agreed with him on the danger of the tax package Bush was contemplating. The Federal Reserve chairman worried that the sheer size of the cuts would drown the federal budget in red ink.…So Greenspan sent Cheney a study by one of the central bank’s senior economists showing that big deficits lead to higher long-term interest rates, according to a person with firsthand knowledge. Higher rates, Greenspan believed, would wipe out any short-term benefit from a tax cut.
In subsequent meetings with the Fed chief, Cheney never took issue with the study. What Greenspan did not know was that, behind the scenes, the vice president took steps to undermine an argument that could threaten the big tax cut he favored. Conda, the vice president’s aide, said Cheney asked him to critique the study. Conda attached his own memo arguing that the Fed’s analytical model was flawed. He said "it wasn’t my job to know" what Cheney did with the paperwork, but noted that Greenspan’s study did not gain traction inside the White House.
O’Neill continued to oppose the tax cut on grounds that the government was moving toward "fiscal crisis," irritating Cheney. "The vice president really got a sense of where O’Neill was coming from and surmised it was a problem," Conda said. The following month, Cheney would demand O’Neill’s resignation.

I’ve never bought the theory of the Bush-Cheney relationship as Pinocchio-Geppetto — it lets Bush off too easily to imagine that Cheney pulls all the strings. But it’s clear that Cheney is the toughest, smartest infighter in the administration and that his toughness and smarts have been employed partly in service of an independent agenda. Cheney came into office believing that the presidency — and, by extension, the vice presidency — had been deflated, and he set out to puff them back up again.Students of public administration should have to take a course called "Cheney." How he has amassed and employed his power offers a case study in how government really works — and how a skillful operator can make a bureaucracy dance. Take Cheney’s penchant for secrecy, which seems to border on the maniacal. His office stamps "SECRET" on routine documents, including talking points for officials to use with reporters. He keeps papers pertaining to everyday business in huge Mosler safes. Is this loopy? No, he’s just putting into practice the dictum that information is power. Sunshine is for losers.
The vice president, whose Secret Service code name is "Angler," really does know all the angles. And above all, he knows how to survive. His onetime mentor Donald Rumsfeld is gone, his onetime top aide Scooter Libby is on his way to jail, yet Cheney — defiantly, disastrously, unbelievably — remains. It will take years to uncover and undo all the damage he has wrought.
Growing up I loved to study the history of the Presidents of the United States. I would tell anybody who would listen, that James Madison was my favorite and why. I would listen to Cronkite, Brinkly,Huntley,Murrow, Collingswood,Reasoner ( not in that order)and read historians etc talk about the presidents and sometime the vice presidents. All the Historians would say comparing the jobs of president and vice president that there was no comparison presidents make the big decisions and govern and the vice president went to funerals and blue ribbon cutting ceremonies. In other words the vice president job was a real waste unless of course a president dies and then he is president. We have been lucky that the vice president’s job being such a bore and strictly ceremonial that when these guys actually are needed to be president in a hurry that we have had a few good men like Teddy Roosevelt, Truman to name just a couple. We’ll ,it was bound to happen someday that we would be unlucky with a vice president like Cheney. I pray that he doesn’t have the power that the Washington Post is uncovering in Bush2’s VP, because that would bring us real close to going to war with Iran. If the WP series of articles about Cheney helps to rein in his power the authors might help save our country and many soldiers lives. It might also be one of the most important stories written in our time and eventually win the authors a Pulizer Prize. God help the world if it doesn’t stop this Vice President.
…or sainthood