
Archive for June, 2007

what a twerp…

  Schlozman, Graves testify on Capitol Hill The former U.S. attorney, Bradley Schlozman, who is now a high-ranking Justice Department official, added that he was not particularly familiar with the part of the Justice Department manual that prohibited suits just before elections, even though it is underlined to emphasize its importance. Graves, like Schlozman a […]


  30 Months Detention $250000 Fine 400 hours Community Service 2 year Supervised Release He deserves more because of what he did, and for covering for Dick Cheney. At issue now – a Presidential Pardon. I guess we’ll find out if Bush has any respect at all for the American Judicial Process…

never before…

US can forget about winning in Iraq: top retired general The man who commanded US-led coalition forces during the first year of the Iraq war says the United States can forget about winning the war. "I think if we do the right things politically and economically with the right Iraqi leadership we could still salvage […]

hard to imagine…

Defense Officials Tried to Reverse China Policy, Says Powell Aide The same top Bush administration neoconservatives who leap-frogged Washington’s foreign policy establishment to topple Saddam Hussein nearly pulled off a similar coup in U.S.-China relations—creating the potential of a nuclear war over Taiwan, a top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell says. Lawrence […]


  U.S. forces face bloody start to June in Iraq Sixteen American troops died in Iraq in the first three days of June, marking a bloody start to the month as the U.S. military presses on with its crackdown on sectarian violence in Baghdad. A total of 127 American troops died in May, the third […]

never forget Cheney…

I hadn’t consciously connected these two stories [right…, Rice Insists Cheney Supports Diplomacy for Iran and heaven help us…, Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush’s Choices on Iran Conflict], but Josh Marshall did: About a week ago, Steve Clemons raised eyebrows throughout the political world with a report on the "race currently underway between different flanks […]

investigate the pre-war intelligence now!

from the Wall Street Journal: Congress and Iraq So all of the Iraq maneuvering was merely for show to appease the antiwar left that elected Democrats. Ms. Pelosi couldn’t even deliver a majority of her own Members for the war spending bill, and she voted "no" herself. Thus she can claim to oppose the war […]

Calling John Ashcroft The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have asked the former attorney general to testify about his role in a dramatic showdown over a controversial eavesdropping program. Will he play ball? The Senate and House Intelligence Committees are asking former attorney general John Ashcroft to testify about a March 2004 hospital-room confrontation during […]


Question: Can we find some disincentives for Cheney to remain on this course of insanity? I really like this idea of creating disincentives for the Bushies. Disincentives..that’s deterrants to us common folk. An Answer: Disincentives, Deterrants, Negative Consequences, etc. are the natural and normal methods that parents use the point kids in the right direction. […]


Rice Insists Cheney Supports Diplomacy for Iran Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday that Vice President Cheney fully supports a diplomatic course over Iran’s nuclear program, denying impressions of divisions among President Bush’s foreign-policy advisers. "The president of the United States has made very clear what our policy is. That policy is supported by […]