Tom Delay – still at it…

Posted on Wednesday 18 July 2007

Former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay told a gathering of College Republicans that a link exists between legal abortion and illegal immigration in America. The remarks were included in a video produced by writer Max Blumenthal and posted at The Huffington Post.

"I contend [abortion] affects you in immigration," DeLay told the Washington-area gathering. "If we had those 40 million children that were killed over the last 30 years, we wouldn’t need the illegal immigrants to fill the jobs that they are doing today. Think about it."

Blumenthal was later apparently forcibly escorted out of the conference by College Republican staff.

DeLay is currently under indictment for money laundering and conspiracy charges in Texas.
Remember him, Tom Delay? He was the House Majority leader. Now he’s a Pundit with a problem – like under indictment as a major league crook. As a Pundit, he’s still spouting Talking Points from 2000. I thought about that in the middle of the night listening to Senator Inhofe – using worn out Talking Points in his speech in the Senate – "Liberals" "Terrorism" "fighting Communism" "Reagan’s speeches" etc. I wonder how that stuff is playing in the heartland – "Libruls," Abortion, Patriotic Slogans and stickers, Gay Marriage, Immigration, Family Values, Quaisi-Religious allusions, etc. Tom Delay is reaching pretty deep to get two of those issues into one rant. Abortion causing Immigration is a real reach. It’s also blatantly racist.

I thought a lot about that on our trip to Eastern Europe. In Theresenstadt, a fortified town in the Czech Republic, all the inhabitants were sent away and it was turned into a Jewish Ghetto – becoming a waystation on the way to the Nazi Death Camps in Poland and Germany. There they had Jews [yellow badges], Homosexuals [pink badges], Gypsies [black badges], 7th Day Adventists [violet badges]. It was touted as a model Community for "the protection of the Jews" and they actually got the Red Cross to believe that for a time. I thought about the ressurgence of racism in America in the recent years. It sounds very similar to the Nazi version. Immigrants [Mexicans mostly] are bad. Homosexuals are bad. That’s how it started in Europe – and ultimately extrapolated to the "Final Solution."

It is reasonable for this country to get tough on Immigration. It is not reasonable for the level of racism that has flourished in the Bush years to be tolerated. It is reasonable for people to oppose abortion. It is not reasonable to blow up clinics. There’s nothing reasonable about persecuting Homosexuals. Looking at what happened in Europe up close and personal made me aware of how much racism and prejudice the Republicans and the Religious Right has perpetrated in these last six years. And it’s people like Tom Delay who have played this theme to the hilt.

America is built on an antiprejudicial creed – all men are created equal. Prejudice is our Achilles Heel. Right now, our Administration has thrown gasoline on that fire, even codifying it by renouncing the Geneva Conventions. The country is openly prejudiced against black americans, latino americans, arab americans, homosexual americans, and female americans. It’s time for some backlash about that. It’s a cancer that’s almost destroyed us several times.

And it’s time for Tom Delay to go to jail…

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