A lot of bloggers are turning their sharp tongues on various Democratic candidates, or on Harry Reid, or on Nancy Pelosi, or on the Democratic Congress in general. Not me. With their bare Majority, turncoats like Lieberman, the blue dog Democrats, the persistant Conservative edge in the electorate, the Republican Dirty Tricks Machine, and the embers of the Religious Right – I’ll settle for whatever we can get. Bush and Cheney spent six years building a formibable firewall. They control both the Justice Department and Supreme Court. All I expected was investigations, and Waxman, Conyers, Leahy, Schumer, etc. are keeping on keeping on. More power to them.
If the Democrats win in 2008 and don’t deliver, that’s another story. We’ll have to form a Progressive Party. But right now, the Democrats are still swimming upstream. Let’s help!
Who is my favorite Democratic Candidate? The answer is Yes!
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