“The stakes in Iraq are too high and the consequences too grave for our security here at home to allow politics to harm the mission of our men and women in uniform” …
George W. Bush, August 31, 2007
Congress asked for this assessment and members of Congress should withhold judgment until they have heard it” …
George W. Bush, August 31, 2007
For more years than I’d like to count, bloggers and some people in the Press have spent their spare time parsing the absurd pronouncements of the Bush Administration, tracking the history of their Talking Points as campaign after campaign hit our newspapers and our airways. There are really three objections implicit in this seemingly endless endeavor. First, most of us disagree with the policies that underlie what they say – fundamentally disagree. They believe that it is America’s their destiny is to literally fix the world by reforming the diverse people on Planet Earth in our own image. We disagree with that on a number of grounds, not the least of which is the obvious underlying motive. They put America on top of the chain in their plan, a "sole superpower." But our second disagreement is that the Administration does not clearly state its policy. They hide it behind National Defense, or the War on Terror, or Compassionate Conservativism, or any lofty motive they can think of to hide behind. Finally, they are corrupt – not just corrupt in response to attacks [like with Joseph Wilson] – they are preemptively corrupt like Nigergate, the 16 words, the N.S.A. program, the U.S. Attorney firings, etc.
Now, they’ve cleared the boards for the Final Conflict. They’ve dumped Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales, and most of the Justice Department. When Senator Larry Craig gets into trouble, they want to get him off the television pronto. They’ve given speeches about the swell job that the Surge has done in Iraq – there’s even a multimillion dollar ad campaign aimed at talking up our tired, fruitless war in Iraq. They can’t make enough hostile comments about Iran. It’s now daily. Bush is saying things like "allow politics to harm the mission" and "Congress should withhold judgment." Meanwhile they’re revving up their biggest political campaign since the pre-Iraqi Invasion times.
They want to stay in Iraq, no matter what, and they want to bomb Iran. It’s as clear as a bell. And they’ve emptied the government of all their many scandal plagued players in preparation. Unless someone stops them, that’s what they’re going to do.
I don’t want them to do that. Even if there is an inevitable war with Iran, I don’t want George W. Bush and Dick Cheney involved in assessing the facts or starting such a conflict. These two men are both mentally unstable Narcissists out of control. They’re doing it again, just like in 2002-2003, and somebody has to figure out how to stop them.
My Mom is visiting us this holiday weekend. I met my twin sister at lunch on Friday at the half way mark from her house to mine. We met at Chili’s restaurant for lunch where we watched live Fox News and Tony Snow’s little resignation speech. My Mom and sister were very sad that he was leaving the WH as press secretary and because he looks unwell. My thoughts about Snow have been that I’m sorry he’s sick but I thought after his second bout with cancer he might re-evaluate his life and start speaking the truth instead of spinning the lies of his boss and company. Well, of course I was wrong. He talked about how unfair the press has been to Bush. My family is Republican and no matter what this Administration does is fine with them. I just don’t get it. In every video store, appliance store, any store with cable tv, restaurants with cable, or hospitals or doctors waiting rooms they always have Fox News playing.. Murdock and his philosophy is everywhere. What we do about it is anybodies guess. I keep reading and writing and calling my congresspeople but it doesn’t seem to help. I hope somebody will the respect of all parties will step forward soon because things don’t seem to be getting better.
That public Fox News drives me nuts. Up here in rural Georgia, there’s also the background Talk Radio with Rush Limbaugh. I just leave when I hear it. It’s not a protest exactly, because it doesn’t change things. I just hate watching and listening to that hateful stuff. It makes me feel bad…