Karl Rove has gone. Donald Rumsfeld‘s flown thee coup. Alberto Gonzales isn’t with us anymore. Paul Wolfowitz disappeared from the world stage. The Sunday Talk Show hosts didn’t want Condi Rice on their shows last weekend. Even the lightweights like John Bolton and Douglas Feith are quiet for the moment. General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker have about exhausted their Talking Points ["mini-benchmarks"] and we’ve memorized [and pulverized] their graphs. President Bush bombed at the U.N. today. Vice President Cheney? Well he’s…
Vice President Dick Cheney will speak to a super-secret,conservative policy group in Utah on Friday during his second trip to the state this year. Cheney will address the fall meeting of the Council for National Policy, a group whose self-described mission is to promote "a free-enterprise system, a strong national defense and support for traditional Western values." The organization – made up of few hundred powerful conservative activists – holds confidential meetings and members are advised not to use the name of the group in communications, according to a New York Times profile of the group.
Then today, I ran across the article cited above in the Salt Lake Tribune when I searched Google News for "Cheney." I think I found Dick Cheney’s audience, or at least part of it…
… and, in typical Cheney fashion:
Cheney’s visit is expected to be short, only a few hours, according to people familiar with the trip’s details. The trip coincides with fundraisers in California, Colorado, Nevada and Wyoming, Cheney’s spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride said. All of the events on the trip are closed to the public and the news media, McBride said.
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