So, in the post below [death by "The Google!"], we were looking at the White House altering its Office of Administration Web Page to back up their [new] claim that this office is immune to Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] queries. The "cached" version is now dated September 2, 2007 and is here. As you […]
Military Officials in Iraq Fault GAO Report A bleak portrait of the political and security situation in Iraq released yesterday by the Government Accountability Office sparked sharp protests from the top U.S. military command in Baghdad, whose officials described it as flawed and "factually incorrect." The controversy followed last-minute changes made in the final draft […]
The Likely Trigger By Josh Marshall You may have noticed the Iran boomlet over the last few days, the pitter-patter of rumors and hints that either a major military action or an Iraq-style PR/agitprop roll-out is set to start this week. Spencer Ackerman is looking into this over at And his reporting suggests that […]
Conscience of a Conservative In the fall of 2003, Jack L. Goldsmith was widely considered one of the brightest stars in the conservative legal firmament. A 40-year-old law professor at the University of Chicago, Goldsmith had established himself, with his friend and fellow law professor John Yoo, as a leading proponent of the view that […]
This is truly remarkable. As we all know, in order to avoid the request for the missing White House emails or any information about the missing White House emails, the Bush Administration has recently declared that the Freedom of Information Act does not pertain to the Office of Administration of the White House. Now, that’s […]
The Politicization of the Department of Justice The truth is, the high-level decay and politicization of the DOJ that has been so starkly exposed in the past months did not begin with the arrival of Alberto Gonzales in 2005. It began with the arrival of Bush and Cheney in January of 2001. From the moment […]
Leave Bush in Iraq and send the sweaty guy home…
Troop buildup fails to reconcile Iraq POSITIVE NOTE: “There are … if you will, mini-benchmarks where things are happening,” said U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker. I can’t stop giggling at the term "mini-benchmarks." Thanks to TPM for pointing us to this absurdity. I’ll get back to the article when I can keep a straight face […]
Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security, and Economic Benchmarks