
Archive for September, 2007

brave guys…

Generals opposing Iraq war break with military tradition The generals acted independently, coming in their own ways to the agonizing decision to defy military tradition and publicly criticize the Bush administration over its conduct of the war in Iraq. What might be called The Revolt of the Generals has rarely happened in the nation’s history. […]

if you live in a State with a real Senator…

watch this or this or read this, then get on the phone and lobby against the Kyl-Lieberman Plan to bomb Iran… [3] that it should be the policy of the United States to combat, contain, and [stop] the violent activities and destabilizing influence inside Iraq of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its […]

black and white photos don’t lie…

   Through a Lens, Darkly Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan

the Next War…

Bush Offering ‘Back-Channel’ Political Advice To Democratic Candidates: Stay In Iraq In an interview with GQ correspondent Robert Draper for his book Dead Certain, President Bush described his Iraq strategy as “playing for October-November.” He explained that his hope was to “get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining […]


It’s insidious. Today’s New York Times article about the Children’s Health Care Bill says: A liberal group supporting the legislation was scheduled to begin running a television advertisement that said Mr. McConnell had “sided with the big insurance companies” by voting against an earlier version of the legislation. What makes the group "liberal?" It supports […]

not “a picture of roses and flowers”…

Iraqi Prime Minister Says That Civil War Has Been Prevented Maliki Also Plays Down Iran’s Influence Civil war has been averted in Iraq and Iranian intervention there has "ceased to exist," Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said yesterday. "I can’t say there is a picture of roses and flowers in Iraq," Maliki told the Council […]

surgical interviewing…

Shuster: “Let’s talk about the public trust. You represent, of course, a district in western Tennessee. What was the name of the last solider from your district who was killed in Iraq?” Blackburn: ”The name of the last soldier killed in Iraq uh – from my district I – I do not know his name […]

the case of the wide stance…

Minn. Prosecutor Argues Sen. Craig Understood Plea Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) should not be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea to charges of disorderly conduct because he fully understood the legal process leading up to the deal, the Minnesota prosecutor who handled the case contended in legal documents filed today. In a 41-page motion that […]


What Has Bush Done to the Government? The last two times the Pew Research Center asked people to describe President Bush in a single word, chief among the overwhelmingly negative responses was the word "incompetent." What makes that particularly fascinating is that it’s a realization that the public has reached pretty much on its own. […]

dumb, dumber, dumbest…

Bush: We Can’t Spend $22 Billion On America Because We Need $200 Billion For Iraq War The Democratic leadership in Congress is set to pass a host of domestic funding bills that would exceed Bush’s request by $22 billion. The extra funding would help go towards veterans health care, infrastructure improvements, education, and other domestic […]