medical update…

Posted on Thursday 4 October 2007

Pilonidal cysts are pockets of skin in the crease of the buttocks near the end of the tailbone (coccyx). They usually begin where ingrown hairs push into the folds of the skin, which irritates and inflames the skin. Not everything about pilonidal cysts is understood, but there are several well-known facts. Men are affected two to three times more often than are women, and the cysts typically affect those younger than 40. Pilonidal cysts often cause discomfort. But the main concern is infection, which can result in a painful abscess. Treatment includes removing hair from the area and surgery to open and drain the cyst…

A pilonidal cyst develops when body hair grows or is pushed into a pilonidal dimple or pit — a hollow space or cavity located in the crease of the buttocks near the end of the tailbone. As the hair grows inward, the cavity can get irritated and inflamed and may become infected. An infected pilonidal cyst is called a pilonidal abscess. Pilonidal cysts are more common in men who have more body hair and in people who sit for prolonged periods of time on their job.
Translation: An infected hair follicle on the buttocks of sedentary hairy men.

Why mention it? It’s why Rush Limbaugh was not in the draft and didn’t serve in the military[a][b]. [Yes, the joke, "that’s why he’s such a pain in the ass," has already been made]. Rush Limbaugh’s web site Pearl of Wisdom for today was, "Who do you think General Petraeus would rather have on his side? Me or Harry Reid?" I expect it’s a toss up. Neither served in the Military. I, for one, would personally prefer to see Rush Limbaugh chosen for duty in Iraq over Harry Reid…

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