we’re only as sick as our secrets…

Posted on Tuesday 13 November 2007

In television interviews and press conferences, Gen. David Petraeus has described the Joint Campaign Plan as the key military and diplomatic strategy to stabilize Iraq. Developed by the “big brains” on the ground, Petraeus points to a “unified” effort with U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker to achieve political and military security in Iraq by 2009. Yet despite repeat efforts at the highest levels and Pentagon promises, Congress has been unable to get a current copy of the plan. After persistent requests from House Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), the issue has moved up the Congressional chain of command to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). According to an aide, Pelosi asked President Bush for the document several months ago in a White House meeting. Since then, Pelosi’s staff has “repeatedly” requested a copy, her aide said, but has not yet received one.
At first, I wondered if this was just part of the Administration’s overall secrecy thing, but on further thought, I suspect it’s because the plan is for long termed occupation of Iraq. Our friends in Washington are playing their hand as if they’re going to be in office for more than just the 369 days until the 2008 elections [but who’s counting]. They’ve taken secrecy to a new level. Secrecy used to be allowed only if there was a threat to national security. Now, secrecy is the rule, a standard operating procedure – with exceptions…

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