Part of the game is to get the Talking Points out there fast. Here we have "Rush’s commentary and analysis of the Obama speech, without a scintilla of Drive-By Media emotional swooning." I’m doubting Rush wrote it himself, but whoever did got the tone and sarcasm into the piece. "RUSH: In Florida, they said they’re not going to redo the vote. Michigan says today they’re probably not going to redo theirs. Then you got this Obama speech today, and this speech was typical Obama, in many ways. The reaction to it was, wow, how well he spoke. So Hillary is sitting in her hotel room or wherever she was watching this thing, and she’s saying, ‘Oh, I’m melting! I’m melting!’ The house is just about to fall on her here. I’m sure that’s what she thinks. But here’s the question. After watching this speech today — and I’ve got many comments about it obviously, as many people do and will — the Democrats have to ask themselves a question today. Do they really want the presidential campaign to be about race, because Barack Obama has made it now about race. He has essentially, in not disavowing and distancing himself from Jeremiah Wright, who, by the way, I think the correct way to understand Jeremiah Wright, and the way people are reacting to him is not in a racial manner. This is a man who hates the country. Jeremiah Wright is a hatemonger. He hates America. It is patently obvious. Barack Obama sought to excuse that today in ways that I found a little bit troubling, blamed it on his generation…"
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