I occasionally joke about living in Republican North Georgia, or dispair about our Senators. They are both Bush Clones, elected during the Bush Era, when the South became solidly Republican. One of them is worse that the other – Saxby Chambliss. He ran against Max Cleland, a triple amputee from the Viet Nam War, with
ads that impugned Cleland’s integrity and patriotism. That he won is a testimonial to the brain-dead state Georgia was in 2002. Chambliss has voted with Bush 92% of the time, the 8% being on trivial matters. Worse than that, he’s been a hit man in the Senate, carrying the BushCo Talking Points into the Senate Committees whenever he has a chance. I’ve written him a jillion times, and what I get back is some canned page extolling the virtues of the Bush Administration. His son Bo is a lobbyist that lobbies Chambliss’ Committee. In short, he’s an embarassment to anyone who follows what he does.
To my delight, I found out today that a friend and neighbor of 34 years is running against him. His name is Jim Martin, and he’s been a public servant for his entire career, representing our intown Atlanta neighborhoods in the State Legislature among other things. He’s an expert on health care and directed the Department of Human Resources for the State. He’s a class act. The only negative thing anyone has ever said about him within my earshot is that he’s too skinny. I don’t know if a Democrat can win a statewide race in Georgia yet, but keep your fingers crossed. Jim Martin would be a great asset in a Senate that tries to dig us out of this deep hole the likes of Saxby Chambliss have dug for us.
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