Fox News is having a red letter day today bashing each other and Obama. It doesn’t much matter what they do with and to themselves, but it is interesting to watch. One wonders if they’re going to be able to bring off being the T.V. wing of the WSJ/O’Reilly/Limbaugh/Coulter/Weekly Standard Spin Machine as effectively as they have been in the past. Here are two clips from this morning [@ Huff Post]. They tried to spin Obama’s referring to his Grandmother as a "typical white person," frightened of blacks on the street, as racism.
It reminded me of something that happened twenty-five years ago. At the time, I was running a Psychiatric Training program, and we were having group sessions because of divisiveness within the group. One particularly bright and talented black resident started talking about what it was like for her to go into a clothing store in Atlanta Georgia, and have the employees follow her around, obviously keeping an eye on her to make sure she wasn’t shoplifting. Of all of us in the room, she was the class act in any area you could measure. Everyone had tears in their eyes hearing the story, knowing and respecting her as we all did. We all learned a lot that day – about her experience as a black person and ourselves. That’s what Barak Obama was talking about.
Any fool would know that…

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