I said I was going to leave Rush Limbaugh for a while, but before I go, I have to mention his Operation Chaos:
Yes, Operation Chaos is exceeding all objectives, ladies and gentlemen. This is just amazing. I just got today’s audio sound bite roster. Let me just give you the headlines here: Drive-Bys discuss Limbaugh critique of Obama. We’ve got an anti-Obama preacher from Harlem today. You have just got to hear this. Obama on Nightline, the candidate of race, because I said that yesterday. Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts equates the Reverend J. Wright to talk radio. Feminist icon, "I will not vote with my vagina," on Hardball last night. They had a big debate over the Limbaugh Effect and Operation Chaos. Bob Schieffer has been asked about Operation Chaos and finds it fascinating. Bob Beckel has proposed a plan to counter Operation Chaos. Obama is burning cash fighting Operation Chaos. Here’s the latest poll numbers. "Barack Obama’s big national lead over Hillary Clinton has all but evaporated in the U.S. presidential race, and both Democrats trail Republican John McCain, according a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. The poll showed Obama had only a statistically insignificant lead of 47 percent to 44 percent over Clinton, down sharply from a 14 point edge he held over her in February. …
The poll showed Arizona Sen. McCain, who has clinched the Republican presidential nomination, is benefiting from the lengthy campaign battle between Obama and Clinton." Well, yes, which was the primary purpose of Operation Chaos. (laughing)Folks, we are doing it! Do you realize, we are doing it! Things are happening out there on our terms. Why, this is just fabulous. "McCain leads 46 percent to 40 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama in the November presidential election, according to the poll. That is a sharp turnaround from the Reuters/Zogby poll from last month, which showed in a head-to-head matchup that Obama would beat McCain 47 percent to 40 percent. … Matched up against Clinton, McCain leads 48 percent to 40 percent, narrower than his 50 to 38 percent advantage over her in February. ‘It’s not surprising to me that McCain’s on top because there is disarray and confusion on the Democratic side,’ Zogby said." Wait a minute. McCain’s on top means Hillary’s on bottom. We were told Hillary will never be on bottom, particularly when it comes to this dream ticket."The poll showed Obama continues to have strong support from the African-American community but that he is experiencing some slippage among moderates and independents. Among independents, McCain led for the first time in the poll, 46 percent to 36 percent over Obama. He was behind McCain by 21 percent among white voters. Zogby attributed this to a combination of the fallout from Clinton’s victory in Ohio earlier this month and the controversy over Wright’s sermons. ‘And, just the closer he gets to the nomination, the tougher questions whites ask about an African-American candidate,’ Zogby said."In Pennsylvania, Senator Clinton has widened her lead over Senator Obama. This is according to a Quinnipiac University poll that was released late yesterday. "Senator Clinton now leads Senator Obama 53-41% among likely primary voters, and in the latest survey, the split between black and white voters has grown. Senator Clinton has widened her lead among women, likely Democrat primary voters, and narrowed Senator Obama’s lead among men." Again, this now is in Pennsylvania. Clay Richards, who runs the Quinnipiac poll, said, "The momentum is clearly Senator Clinton’s as she firms up her traditional coalition of women, white males, noncollege, rural and older voters in Pennsylvania." Not stupid, just uneducated. So, Operation Chaos is exceeding all objectives. It’s now gotten to the point that the Drive-By Media is having debates about it and what to do to stop it, and how to counter it, which is only going to increase the effectiveness of Operation Chaos.
That’s right. He’s pushing his listeners to vote for Clinton in the Democratic Primaries so McCain can run against her instead of Obama. On his web site, he sells Operation Chaos Tee Shirts and Coffee Mugs, and has a fine time yuking it up about what fun they’re all having. He calls it "Rush the vote." Rush Limbaugh’s contempt for America knows no boundaries. And to his listeners who go along with this kind of Sheenanigans: Where were you when we learned about our forefathers in school? Where were you when our fathers and granfathers were dying on the beaches of France? Where did you lose respect for Democracy and our way of being free? When did our electoral process become a great big joke to be manipulated by a fat, obnoxious, drug addict? Grow up…
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