I’ve had an odd feeling all day. I’ve been kind of busy and pollen poisoned, but I’ve wandered by t.v. sets all day catching glimpses of the constant coverage. It’s on errand days like today that I see Fox News which is the standard public fare here in the Georgia Mountains. The anchors are pretty and upbeat, The graphics are snappy. And Hillary Clinton has been in almost every shot with a different electric outfit. As the endless speculation continued about why she’s still at it, or about the "dream ticket," or what she said most recently – I became aware of a feeling that I haven’t been in touch with for some time. I like her. In fact, I like them. They are truly one of the grand couples of my lifetime.
I remembered how angry I was when Bill kept trying to lie his way out of the Monica scandal, or how disappointed I was when Hillary voted for the Iraq War. But I also remembered him playing his Saxaphone on late night t.v., and was surprised at how many speeches I recalled of hers over the years. The Clintons were a breath of fresh air among the Republican hordes that have dominated politics since the salad days of the sixties.
I haven’t been one of her supporters in this primary, though I would vote for her in a blue second were she nominated. I just happen to think Obama is, to borrow a friend’s phrase, a once in a lifetime opportunity. I sure hope I’m right about that. But back to my feeling today, freed from the tension of the race [I’m assuming it’s over], I enjoyed just realizing that Hillary and Bill Clinton have given us all a good run, and that I do, after all, like and respect them both. And it’s been fun to watch Chelsea grow up, and join in the trio.
As for the race [see above], it looks like it changed in mid February, and that the superdelegates turned their sails to the prevailing wind. It’s interesting that looking back, it feels like something I should have known back then, but I didn’t really get how much things had shifted until recently. I expect that there will be a gajillion theories about what happened to change the tide, but I already know what I think. Obama has the right stuff and people who are looking for it can see it. His election is far from assured, but it’s possible – not doomed like Kerry.
There is an interesting piece in Salon about David Addington who was VPCheney’s lawyer and now chief of staff since Libby left. He may testify but the author said only some questions and not others because of executive and lawyer privliage. Is this where the great Yankee pitcher Yogi Berra says here we go again. I hope congress and Americans don’t put up with another Gonzales like testimony. There seem to be so many mealy mouth attorneys that were produced in the Bush justice dept. that testfied several months ago. I recall only feeling proud of 2 of them, James Comey and I think Jack Goldsmith and they both quit the deparment of Justice.